Medical Care In Your Home:
Complex Care 

When living with complex care needs, it can seem that homecare is no longer an option but with our highly trained team we can help people with complex medical needs live safely at home for longer.

Medical Care at Home

Whether someone was born with a disability, has suffered a debilitating injury, or needs extra support after being discharged from hospital, we are able to support people with unique medical needs who require complex care in Christchurch.

Complex care at a glance

Our nurse-led care team can provide comprehensive clinical care that goes beyond the support offered by the NHS, helping people to live safely at home for longer instead of having to spend time in and out of hospital wards.

icon showing person and person in a wheelchair

Complex care in

icon showing list on a clipboard


icon showing hospital sign in a house

Home from

icon showing house with heart in it

Comprehensive home
care services

icon showing medication


icon showing calendar

Long or short-term

icon showing nurse


icon showing hands holding heart

and support

icon showing calendar in a house

Stay at home
for longer

“My mother is very pleased with the care she receives, the staff are excellent and attend to my mother's needs, which can vary on every occasion. She has an excellent care team and also appreciates the office staff behind the scenes.”

Jonathan Y - Son of Client