Financial support for homecare

Are you looking for home care for yourself or a loved one? We understand that this is a big decision, requiring no shortage of research. After all, you want the best possible care for your loved one. 

We also understand that for your own peace of mind, you want a trusted home care service that values transparency and is upfront about pricing. Read on to learn more about homecare in Christchurch, the financial support that is available, and any benefits you may be eligible for. 

How much does home care cost? 

The amount you’re expected to pay for home care depends on a number of factors including your savings, income, and needs. While the cost of home care varies across the UK depending on where you live, in general, you can expect to pay between £20-£30 per hour. These fees can increase on weekends and on bank holidays. 

Arranging and paying for your own care is called self-funding. You may also be entitled to financial support, which your local council can arrange for you. 

Support from your local council 

To determine whether you are eligible for financial support, your local council will carry out a needs assessment. A needs assessment takes into account your income and savings, and how this will affect what you pay for care. Here is an example of a means test and what support may be available to you: 

Your capital What you pay
Over £23,250As a self-funder, you have to pay your own fees.
Between £14,250 and £23,250You qualify for financial support from the council but still pay a contribution from your income – such as pensions. In addition, you will pay a ‘tariff income’ based on your capital.
Less than £14,250The council provides financial support. Although you will still contribute from your income, you won’t have to pay a tariff income.

When your local council conducts a means test, certain types of income may be excluded such as income from disability benefits and pensions. Other types of capital may also be excluded. 

After all eligible income is taken into account in your means test, you must be left with a minimum income guarantee of £189 per week. This is true if you’re single and above pension credit qualifying age.

Your local council can arrange home care services for you if you qualify for financial support to pay for home care. If you prefer, you can also arrange homecare yourself or choose to receive direct payments. 

Is other financial support available? 

You may also be entitled to claim certain benefits. These benefits are not means-tested which means they do not take take into account your income and savings: 

  • Attendance Allowance: this is available for people over state pension age with an illness or disability who require assistance to live independently at home. 
  • Personal Independence Payment: this is available for any under state pension age who requires assistance with daily activities or getting around due to a long-term illness or disability
  • Carer’s Allowance: a monetary supplement of £67.70 a week to people who spend at least 35 hours per week providing regular care to someone. 

Get in touch

Whether you’re looking for trusted homecare for you or your loved one, we are here to help. Please do not hesitate to contact us or phone us on 01202 800 494 with any of your questions or concerns. Our compassionate staff will be happy to provide more information or assist in any way we can.