Our acheivement
Liberty Private Care is very proud to announce their recent award of the Six Steps End of Life standard from the Countess Mountbatten Hospice, Southampton, which is a national scheme designed to be delivered to support the organisational change required to support the delivery of quality palliative and end of life care.
What the Six Steps accreditation does
The Six Steps Home Care Programme supports and enhances the organisational programme by:
- providing a higher standard of care to people moving towards the end of life
- ensuring that their physical and emotional needs are met
- supporting them and those closest to them
- liaising with GP’s, McMillan, Marie Currie and District Nurses and pharmacies
Registered Manager Andrew Key said ‘As a regulated care provider it is essential that we always work to seek the very best opportunities available to develop our skills and competencies to the benefit of those to whom we provide care for. We felt that simply delivering training was just not enough, and that we had to find a nationally recognised standard that we could be measured against and evidence our ethos to redefine private home care. Our registered nurse and all our carers took part in gaining the accreditation and contributed to its implementation. They truly are an exceptional care team’.
Hannah Ford, Specialist Nurse Practitioner, Mountbatten Hospice. ‘Liberty Private Care completed the Six Steps to Success End of Life Care Programme with Mountbatten Hampshire Hospice earlier this year. They have proactively worked to ensure robust processes are in place to provide good end of life care to their clients. They have disseminated the learning to all staff to ensure all of the team are able to support clients in a caring, effective and compassionate way. Well done Liberty Private Care for all your hard work.’