Domestic Home Care Services: Starting Homecare?

Have you recently noticed that a loved one or elderly parent could benefit from an extra hand around the home or with looking after themselves? Very often, realising that life is changing and those you love are growing older comes with no shortage of emotions. You may be frustrated, overwhelmed, sad, and even frightened. Perhaps you worry about their wellbeing or feel guilty that you’re not able to look after them more. When combined with the fact that your loved one may be in denial about their changing needs, this can be a very stressful time for everyone. 

If any of this resonates with you, it may be time to start thinking about home care. This blog post contains information on homecare in Christchurch and the many ways it can benefit your family. 

What is home care?

Domestic Home care is personalised and professional support provided in the comfort of a person’s home. Our flexible services are designed to help your loved one retain their independence, enjoy the familiarity of home for as long as possible, and nurture their emotional wellbeing. We do this by helping with personal care, assisting with household tasks like cooking, cleaning, and ironing, accompanying your loved one to appointments, and providing consistent companionship.  

Signs your loved one needs support

There are a few signs that indicate your loved one could benefit from extra domestic home care support. Here are some changes to look out for: 

  • Have they begun to miss appointments or misplace belongings a little too often?
  • Are you noticing a decline in their personal appearance or in the state of their home? 
  • Are they experiencing mobility issues that significantly affect their ability to get out and about, perhaps even compromising their safety in the house? 
  • Have they begun to wander to the point of getting lost? 
  • Is increased boredom or seclusion affecting their mental health or taking a toll on their mood? 

Talking to a loved one about home care 

We understand that broaching the subject with your loved one may not be easy. Growing older often comes with a sense of grief. Your loved one may experience a lost sense of identity or feel that they’ve become a burden. At the same time, they still have their sense of pride and will want to be independent for as long as possible. They may also still be coming to terms with their own changing abilities. 

For these reasons, we encourage you to approach the topic with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Calmly share your concerns with them and let them know that you care about their wellbeing. Listen to what they have to say and acknowledge that you respect their autonomy but that their safety is important too. 

While it may be painful to acknowledge changes in your loved one, accepting the reality of the situation can ensure your loved one receives the support they need to continue living well. 

The benefits of home care

With our homecare services, your loved one can continue enjoying the comforts of home while having their needs met. We help them retain their independence for as long as possible by providing tailored support that best honours their needs and preferences. In the hands of our experienced carers, you can rest assured your loved one is being well looked after. 

Get in touch 

If you or a loved one feel like the support from home care can help you live safely and independently at home, we are here for you. Please feel free to get in touch or telephone us on 01202 800 494. Our friendly team is here to answer any of your questions or provide more information.